Sunday 17 April 2011

sunday night

sunday night and my kidneys hurt.
it's either my kidneys or my liver.
or my back.
so much of me hurts now.
its dificult to see the wood for the trees.
or the pain for the aches.
the age for the wisdom.
the knowledge for the stress.
i try my best.
but it takes time.
a long time.
a long long long long time.
its sunday night.
my kidneys hurt.

tomorrow is another day.


Thursday 14 April 2011

swearing in the office

a hollow feeling fills my chest
and even though i've done my best.
the people that i thought were closest
actually seem to be remote(est).
petty greed and green green eyes
the people of faith
seek the quickest demise.
people of faith let me down
make me unhappy, make me frown.
i want to smile be happy enjoy
not full of hate, destruct destroy
last can of beer
last puff of pipe
last chance to put the whole thing right.
its night time now, its time for rest
to fill the hollow in my chest.
to make me whole complete as one
to join my head with heart and lung.
its been cathartic, emotional too.
its good for me and good for you.
so see you later, goodbye so long
you've now begun to make me strong.
forget the small-mind silly fools
with silly small mind silly rules
fuck them sideways backwards forwards
fuck them this way that way always
fuck em this way fuck em that
fucking cunting fucking twat.

what went up

yesterday i felt sound. grand. cool. mint.
today i feel dead. minor. mad. shit.
the sun that shone.
the birds that sung.
the clouds that hover.
the love has gone.
today i feel bad, wierd, n'wrong,
tomorrow i'll feel clean, hot, upright, strong.

Matilda! The door!! Secrecy please!!!

She’s sitting at the kitchen table
Here’s the brown sauce
She puts her head in her hands
Stable thoughts are what I want
Pull my hair
Pull it out
Punch myself in the face, hard
Feel dizzy
Head hurts, hand hurts.
The kids are going out.
Must take control.
Matilda! Shut the DOOR!! SECRECY PLEASE!!!!!
Sometimes I hate myself
Sometimes I want to die
Sometimes I wished you
Would shut the fucking door.


how many ways can people disappoint you?
they don't like the way you speak.
they don't agree with the way you feather your nest.
they don't feel able to tell you.
so they tell someone else instead.
they say that it's not about you.
they say.
although it's never come out of their mouth.
that you've seen anyway.
they only talk to others.
about you.

Tuesday 12 April 2011


i thought this was the old blog
but it isnt
youve stolen my fucking words
you cunt fuck shit wank arsehole fucking platform
agrhj argh ahggr agrghh

i am biting my knuckles with rage and anger and distress

i fucking hate you.

uh oh

i just went into meltdown
cos i thought that i had lost you
and even though i knew i hadnt
i needed to play this scene out
and cry


I AM TOO angry for the complete and utter bollocks
that using this fucking laptop
and using fucking windows
and using fucking sony
and using fucking ggogle
and using fucking microsoft
and using fucking fuckers
who make my life hell
who steal my creation
who fuck my head
who steal my life who fuck my wife
you cunts.

i have anohter blog

ion i c it cunt

 it cunt i
it cunt uicitnsv SDFSB
whic h has much better writing but you wont let me fucking wiortoifn w[sfk[erkvfgpi


the fuck did you put my writing?

fucking cunts.

now i have  a new blog apprnsazoljfdhewopkifj[owe


fucking cunts.